Who could possibly resist this delightful combination of cheesy chops served with a sweet parsnip mash and drizzled in onion gravy. It is guaranteed to leave everyone who eats, feeling satisfied with the extra bonus of a warm and happy feeling inside.


  • Ingredients

    4 x 275g trimmed Packington Pork Chops
    175g chive and onion double Gloucester cheese, grated
    2 tbsp wholegrain mustard
    1/2 tbsp plain flour
    2 tbsp roughly chopped fresh oregano
    75g butter
    2 tbsp olive oil
    2 large red onions, thickly sliced
    400ml good beef stock
    2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
    1 tbsp cornflour
    350g parsnips, peeled and cut into chunks
    700g good mashing type of potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks
    3 tbsp creme fraiche fresh oregano leaves, to garnish

  • Method

    1. Remove the pork chops from the fridge 1 hour before cooking. Place on a plate and cover with a clean tea towel. Mix together the cheese, mustard, plain flour, oregano and seasoning. Set aside.

    2. Meanwhile melt 25g of the butter and 1 tbsp of the olive oil in a saucepan and cook the onions over a medium heat for about 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until golden and softened. Pour in the stock, Worcestershire sauce and seasoning. Bring to the boil, stirring and simmer for 2 minutes.

    3. Remove the pan from the heat. Place the cornflour in a small bowl and stir in 4-5 tbsp of the gravy until smooth. Pour back into the pan stirring constantly until blended. Return to the heat and bring back to the boil, stirring constantly, until required thickness. Simmer for 1 minute.

    4. Cook the parsnips and potatoes in a large saucepan of boiling water for 15-20 minutes, until tender.

    5. Preheat the grill. Heat the remaining oil in a large frying pan and fry the pork chops for about 8-10 minutes, turning occasionally until golden on both sides.

    6. Meanwhile drain the potatoes, add the creme fraiche, remaining butter and seasoning. Cover and bring the creme fraiche to the boil in the pan. Using an electric whisk or masher, mash the parsnip and potatoes, until smooth.

    7. Divide the cheese filling between the pork chops spreading over the meat evenly. Place under the grill and cook for 3-5 minutes, until golden.

    8. Serve with mash and onion gravy spooned over. Scatter over fresh oregano leaves to garnish.