Our free-range White Hens lay their eggs in mobile housing nestled amongst woodland on the idyllic Patshull Estate.

Imrpoved sustainability

We’ve taken great care selecting our breed of white hens. They are ideally suited to our sustainable and free range approach to farming; they are a hardy breed, ideal for being reared outdoors, they eat less food per egg produced than other breeds of chicken, so they deliver a lower carbon footprint. And the white eggs they produce look and taste great.

  • Better Taste

    The hens feed naturally across our pastures, creating a deep coloured and great tasting golden yolk.

  • Higher Welfare

    Our free range hens roam naturally across our grass fields at Patshull Estate. We have a very low stocking density and moveable hen houses that include nesting boxes, perches and scratch areas with plenty of space for the hens to live comfortably.


To support our goals of a natural, diverse and sustainable approach to farming we’re planting an extra 30,000 trees at Patshull Farm. Some of these trees will be orchard trees for feeding the wild birds, and we are also planting areas of wild bird food and flower rich meadows around the farm, as well as one mile of new hedgerows.

All of which is designed to encourage a greater bio-diversity of wild animals, birds and insects. We will continue to monitor and survey our site for bird and wildlife populations.

But it’s not just the local wildlife population we’re keen to support; it’s our local community too. We have granted permissive footpaths across the farm for local people to enjoy the grass and woodlands. And we have provided an activity camp and bunkhouse for local and national scout groups to enjoy.